We have hundreds of people using the Following Jesus Course curriculum for their online and in person discipleship! So many pastors are finding massive value in utilizing the FJ course for reinforcing the spiritual foundations of our faith for their whole church and specifically for new believers.
The Following Jesus Course Focuses On:
- Prayer & Worship
- The Bible
- Water Baptism
- The Holy Spirit
- Sharing Your Faith
- Loving People
Each topic is supported with a 12-15min video introducing and teaching the topic to help facilitate the individual or group study of that topic.
How Are People Using the FJ Course:
- When people get saved at their service online or on campus they'll email them the link to their custom FJ course link to create a free account and go through the course.
- Another key way churches are using it is in a class room or small group setting. Where just the leader/facilitator has an account and shows the course session to the group to help facilitate the discussion for that topic.
How's the Cost Structure of the FJ Course?
- The course cost is on a monthly subscription basis that's based on the size of your church. Starting as low as $49 a month.
- That subscription rate includes your own custom course and link and a free copy of the Following Jesus eBook for everyone.
- The first month is FREE and you can cancel at any time.
Any other questions on the Following Jesus course and resources, please reach out to our team!